Thursday, 25 July 2013

Maryland Powerball winner laughing all the way to the bank

PowerballPowerball: Maryland Powerball winner laughing all the way to the bank
Includes video report
An elated Maryland Powerball winner even has the cameraman laughing with her as she celebrated her win from behind her giant $1 million check.
The joyful winner hit it big on the July 3 Powerball drawing but didn't even know she was Maryland's newest millionaire until a few days ago. The July 4 holiday came, life got busy and she simply forgot to check her numbers.
Just back from a long weekend family visit, the woman said she suddenly remembered having bought a few Powerball tickets at the High's store in Westminster before leaving town. "I was paying bills when I remembered the tickets," our cheerful winner told Maryland Lottery officials. She checked the results on the Lottery's website and was stunned. She had matched five of the six winning numbers, bringing her family a $1 million win.
"I couldn't believe it, it was so exciting, but I didn't know the prize for matching five of six at first," the married mother of two said. It was only after she returned to the website for payout details that the family celebration took off.
Happily employed in the medical field, this lucky woman enjoys her job and said the Powerball win will not lead to significant changes in her family's life. She won't leave her job, for example. "I won't be moving into a mansion," she added, laughing.
She and her husband will set up a college fund for the kids and buy a new vehicle. That thought set her off on a new round of laughter as she described her current vehicle's disintegrating interior. "Our truck is on its last wheels," she joked.
As for a family vacation, which is another treat many winners give their families, she and her husband had already saved up for a fitting trip to the "Happiest Place on Earth" next month.
"Now we won't have to worry about the 'extras' that make a vacation memorable," she said. "We'll be able to do all of them."
Maryland's newest millionaire found her Powerball luck at the High's convenience store at 27 Railroad Avenue in Westminster.
VIDEO: Try to not laugh along with her
<embed src="/media/player.swf" width="420" height="346" allowfullscreen="true" wmode="transparent" flashvars="file=riyRxlKdMiA&" />Contagious laughter by $1 million Powerball winnerAn elated Maryland Powerball winner even had the cameraman laughing with her as she celebrated her win from behind her giant $1 million check.T1M1S
Maryland Lottery, Lottery Post Staff

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